For various reasons - we found them hurt on the street, had to move them because dog catchers would take them or had sponsors that no longer can pay - these dogs are in the private shelter and we need to cover their expenses. They became too many and really can't afford them all. The cost for one month / dog is 35 EUR. So if anyone would like at least to send some money, even 1 EUR each month, please use the pay pal account:
Also for EUR, use the account:
Konto: 455567971
BLZ: 52000
Wortlaut: Diana Hochkogler
IBAN: AT485200000455567971
Bank Institut : Hypo Alpe Adria in 9500 Villach ÖSTERREICH. Just mention "for shelter".
- big size dog, unpredictable, a little afraid of humans. He got in our care after the old lady that paid for him could not cover his fee anymore.
4. Fali - catelusa, am ramas cu 7 puiuti in grija dupa ce adoptia in Germania a picat. Am avea nevoie de ajutor pentru a-i tine in adapost pana la o adoptie finala.
- female, we are left with 7 pups after their adoption to Germany fell through. We could use some help keeping them all until a final adoption. As usual fee 35 EUR / month, pay pal:
3.Kaja - in clinica. A fost abandonata gestanta, puiutii nu au fost normali, credem ca ea a simtit asta, deoarece i-a omorit. Este o catelusa foaret desteapta, dar un pic artagoasa cu puiuti. Dar se pare ca ii plac pisicile. A fost mutata dupa ce li s-au daramat custile in tarcul de plimbat cainii unde au fost mai multi abandonati si urmau sa fie ridicati de hingheri. Are nevoie de un sponsor.
-actually in the clinic.
She was abandoned pregnant in the dogs' pen, the puppies were not really normal, she must have felt that because she killed them all. She is a very smart dog, but a little grumpy with young dogs. But apparently very ok with cats, at least with the one in the clinic that has neurological problems. She had to be moved when the authorities decided to destroy their pen and wanted to take them all, so she is accommodated in a veterinary clinic, where we need to pay her accommodation.
2. Bruni - femela, a fost abandonata in fata blocului unde locuieste presedintele asociatiei, incredibil de speriata. Nu a reusit nimeni sa puna mana pe ea timp de 2 ani de zile. Chiar si acum se apropie de noi, dar se indeparteaza imediat ce cineva intinde mana catre ea. A fost adusa in adapost dupa ce li s-au daramat custile in tarcul de plimbat cainii unde au fost mai multi abandonati si urmau sa fie ridicati de hingheri. Are nevoie de un sponsor.
- female, 2 years, she has been in so much trauma that we don't know about that we were never able to touch her. Even now she comes near us (which is a huuuge step), but walks away immediately if you reach your hand toward her . We brought her in the shelter after the authorities in Bucharest destroyed the pen where she lived with other dogs and wanted to call the dog catchers. Needs a sponsor for the private shelter, we had no choice but to take her in. Accommodation fee 35 EUR / month, pay pal:
1. Lida - a fost lovita de masina si a avut o rana deschisa ce a necesitat coasere. Procedura a durat 3 ore. Era timida, a trebuit sa o tranchilizam, asa ca dupa o zi plina de aventuri, deoarece am sedat-o cu Sedalin gel, am reusit (eu si Georgia Ninu) sa o ducem la veterinar, unul dintre colaboratorii nostri, pentru a fi tratata. Acum este in adapost, nu mai este la fel de timida, insa avem nevoie de ajutor pentru plata cazarii.
- she was hit by a car and had an open wound that needed sewing. The procedure lasted 3 hours. She was shy, needed to be tranquilized, so after a day full of adventures, because we sedated her with Sedalin gel, we managed (me and Georgia Ninu) to take her to the vet, one of our collaborators, to be treated. Now she is in the shelter, not as shy anymore and we could use help with her fee. - SPONSORED
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